# Developer πŸš€

UBC Launch Pad 2020 Team

We are not currently accepting applications for this role.

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# Summary

As a developer at UBC Launch Pad, you will be working with other developers and designers to ideate and build a project for 4-8 months! Each team will be supported by an experienced tech lead who provides the expertise needed to execute on the team’s vision.

Learn more about us on our website or our club manifesto, which includes our vision and code of conduct.

# Responsibilities

  • Learn and build collaboratively with other developers and designers
  • Attend team meetings and complete tasks to the best of your ability with the support of your lead and team
  • Communicate with your tech lead or co-presidents if you need any support
  • Follow the onboarding procedures to prepare yourself for the term

# What you get

  • An amazing documentation website to equip you with all the tools you need to succeed!
  • Learn and exercise professional development practices
  • As projects can evolve and shift, you will experience the full lifecycle of bringing a complex project to life
  • Demonstrate your problem-solving skills by creating a meaningful project with your team
  • Make some life-long relationships with the people from Launch Pad πŸ’«

# Time commitment

  • September 12th (TBD) - semester kickoff
  • Weekly team meetings (1 hour per week) and occasional club meetings
  • Around 5 hours per week working on tasks

# Requirements

  • A passion for learning and experimenting, and a willingness to participate actively
  • We welcome folks of all skill levels, whether you are a complete beginner just starting out or if you’ve done several internships and have a portfolio of awesome projects - learn more about our recruitment goals in our handbook